> CPU                               –      8 bit Microprocessor, the 8085-A

> MEMORY                       –      Total on board capacity of 64K bytes

> RAM                              –      64K bytes and space for further expansion with battery backup.

> ROM                              –      16K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful  monitor program (2764),  space for further expansion using 2716/2732/2764/27128/27256

> TIMER                            –      16 bit programmable timer/counter using 8253

> I/O                                 –      24 I/O lines expandable to 48 I/O lines using 8255 PPI.

> INTERRUPTS                 –      8 different level interrupts through 8259.

> KEY BOARD                  –      10 keys for command

                                                16 keys for hexadecimal data entry

                                                1 key for vector interrupt & 1 key for reset

> LED DISPLAY                –      6 seven segment display (4 for address field & 2 for data field)

> BUS                               –      All data, address and control signals (TTL compatible) available at edge connector.

>  INTERFACE                   –      1)   Audio Cassette Recorder.

                                                2)   RS-232-C through SID/SOD lines with auto baud rate  (optional)

                                                3)   RS-232-C port through 8251.

                                                4)   EPROM Programmer.

                                                5)   Parallel Printer Interface.

>  INTERFACES FOR        –      1)   8 Analog inputs using ADC 0809.

                                                2)   One Analog Output using DAC 0800.

                                                 3)  One Relay contacts with LED indicators.

Address List