Basic Electronics Lab
“We are OEM and NSIC Approved in more than 300 categories on GEM.This item is available on GEM for purchase pan-India”
Transformer based power supply
LEDs for visual indications of inputs and outputs.
Input switches for logic selections.
strongly support by systematic operating instructions.
TTL compatible logic level inputs.
TTL logic selectable by a slide switch.
Logic HIGH and logic LOW are displayed by dual color LED.
Two crystal generated clock output of 10Hz, and 1Hz.
Facility for single pulse generation by a push button switch.
Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH and pulse.
One seven segment displays with BCD inputs.
Onboard bread board area to perform various experiments
Capable of accepting wire diameters from 0.3 to 0.8mm.
On-board inbuilt 2mm socket providing +5V, GND.
The system operating from internal +5V supply for its operation.
Enclosed in an attractive ABS plastic cabinet with cover.
220V/50Hz mains supply operation.
Detailed instruction manualÂ
Hi Quality Bread board.
On Board DC power supply.
On Board Graphical LCD Display with function keys
On Board 8 output LEDs
Pulser switches, 8 bit data switches.
Bicolor LED display & Logic probes.
BCD to seven segment display.
More than 20 designed experiments for breadboard.
Fictional blocks indicated on board mimic.
Breadboard : Interconnected nickel plated fits all DIPsizes and
components with lead and sold wire (0.3 -0.8mm).
It can be changedand replaced for different applications
and can be connected to a
Tie Points : 2320
DC Power Supply : + 5VDC/1A (fixed)
3V to 15VDC/500mA (variable)
-3V to-15VDC/500mA (variable)
Mode Selection : TTL and CMOS
Seven Segment Display : 2 digit
Frequency Range : 1 Hz to 10 MHz in7 steps. Variable in between
Amplitude : 0-10V p-p (CMOS), +5V (TTL)
TTL/CMOS Output : TTL : +5V
: CMOS : +VDC (depends on the +VDC output)
Address List
- 12, Truck Market, Opp. R.K. Hospital, Near Mother Dairy Red Light, Pandav Nagar, Delhi-110092
+91 9899899166
+91 9868039427 -